We Care About the Environment


What is Green Printing?

We have been asking ourselves that question every year for 35 years, and each year we come up with a different answer.  To us, green printing is not a staid definition – rather, it’s an ongoing commitment to redefinition.

Since 1973, Consolidated Printing has built a rich and meaningful history as America’s original green printer.  Our award-winning holistic sustainability program extends far beyond paper and ink selection to drive our technology, our building, our supply chain, and most importantly our culture.

This commitment keeps us from just sitting back and watching trends and best practices happen – it forces us to create them.  We were one of the first printers to use soy ink. Our Printedgreen®360 program defines us and drives us to continually define what green printing should be.

PrintedGreen®360 (noun): the relentless commitment to inventing, finding, testing and incorporating the healthiest and most environmentally sustainable commercial printing practices without sacrificing an iota of print quality.